Niche Research – How to Find HOT Items To Sell on eBay using Google
Niche Research, learn how to find hot-selling items on eBay using Google. Sell these items on eBay, Amazon, Facebook Marketplace, and more to maximize your profits. In this week’s quick video, I’ll show you two quick, free, but very powerful techniques to find hot-selling items on eBay. Using Google for any niche that your research and as Google’s free, you don’t need to subscribe to any third-party software, and you can also sell these same hot selling items that you find to sell eBay, Amazon, Facebook marketplace, and your own website,like a Shopify store.
So let’s launch straight into it. For the first strategy, let’s say your niche is say blankets. You simply type or copy and paste this first phrase into Google. Let me first explain how this search phrase works. Then I’ll show you the search results. First of all, the first piece in the text between the quotes is obviously the niche, which in this case is blanket. The next part, the 20, then three dots.
Then 10,000 and sold in quotes means we only want Google to show as items with the results where eBay’s showing listings that have sold between 20 and 10,000 times. The last part of this Google search phrase is when we are telling Google in which URLto look for this example, I’m using eBay Australia, which is au. However, you can do the samestrategy for eBay, usa, uk, Canada, et cetera.
The forward slash Im is there because every item listed on eBay includes this slash Im, which is short for item, let me show you. I’ll type into Google or paste into Google this search phrase and Google returns me the search results.
As you can see, Google shows how many times the listings have sold in total on au. The second strategy is to only have Google show your listings that have sold in the last 24 hours.
This is really powerful for finding what is hot or trending right now. As in today, this is very important ’cause just because it item may have sold 500 times on eBay, it doesn’t mean it’s sold today or it’s hot today. It might have sold 500 times a year ago after all the number that it shows is from the date that the item got listed for doing this, what sold in the last 24 hour strategy.
We use this URL, obviously, replace blanket with your niche. As you can see doing this research, Google shows how many times items are soldon eBay in the last 24 hours. When items are sold multiple times on eBay in the last 24 hours, this can be a very good indication that this item is an eBay hot-selling item. For example, if I click on this item, Google takes me to eBay and I can see this item is sold 607 times since it was first listed.
You also want to know how to seewhen items actually sold on eBay and how many times. Make sure you check this video up here and if you have any questions,please leave them in. Comment section below. And ifyou found any value on this video, please get a thumbs up and hit the subscribe buttonas it helps the channel. Until next week, list more. Sell more. This is Neil Waterhouse.
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