New Dropshipping Book! – Dropshipping – Zero To Seven Digits In Six Months
I’m very excited to have just received the first physical copy of my new book, Dropshipping: “Zero to Seven Digits in Six Months”.
It’s been a lot of work, late nights, and copious amounts of coffee, so it’s quite amazing to see the first physical copy. It’s finally here. So what’s it all about? And probably the best and easiest way I was thinking about how to explain it. So what’s it all about? And probably the best and easiest way I was thinking about how to explain it.
But the back cover, I’m just going to read just a very quick bit of the back cover, and it’s, as it says, this book will build your dropship business fast. Think about this. Imagine if you knew the usernames of hundreds of dropship sellers all over the world. Imagine if every day you could see all their top-selling dropship items.
Major view. Also knew the names of all their dropship suppliers. If you had all this information, could you build a dropship business fast? Imagine no more. This book shows you how to get all this information at any time for free and much, much more. So that’s what it’s all about.
I’m going to make a special deal if anybody wants to get a copy of it for the first 500 people, 50% off. If you’ll do me a huge favor by reading the book first and then leaving a review. So obviously read, read the book first before you leave a review.
That’s, and to get a copy that goes on pre-sale today, go to www.the So I’ll put a link on the screen and below. So that’s all for this week.Stay safe. Listen more. Selma. This is Neil Waterhouse,and get yourself a copy of the book.
New Dropshipping Book – Zero to 7 Digits In 6 Months
✅ How to quickly find a hot niche and quickly find items that have sold over 1000 times
✅ How to increase eBay Sales Fast
✅ How To Make $1,000 Profit Per Week Dropshipping On eBay
✅ Google Chrome Download
✅ Save image as type Google Chrome Extension
✅How to see Dropship Suppliers’ Best Selling Items!
✅ Free list of 934 popular dropship suppliers to help get you started.
✅ Where to Find Overseas Virtual Assistants From $1 Per Hour To Help You Build Your Business
✅ eBay Defects – How To AUTOMATICALLY Reduce Them
✅ How To Drop Ship
✅ How to build a 7-digit dropship business using less than $100 – Dropship Formula™
✅How to cancel an order on eBay without getting a defect
✅ eBay Supplier inventory checking software
✅ How to quickly find a hot niche and quickly find items that have sold over 1000 times
✅ How To Find eBay Best Selling Items
✅ Link to see INR Ratio
✅ Free list of 934 popular dropship suppliers worldwide, including Australia.
✅ Beginners Guide To Starting an eBay Business
This week’s quick video is about how to set up a PayPal account from scratch, including how to send, receive and transfer money.
✅ Dropship Supplier Best Sellers Spreadsheet
✅ Free list of 934 popular dropship suppliers
✅ How to Increase eBay Sales By 16x. The 16 Times Rule
✅ How To Setup the eBay postal Rates Table – Step By Step
✅ Understanding eBay’s Cassini Search Engine To Get More Sales
✅How To Double eBay Click Through Rates
✅ How To Quickly Find eBay Most Popular Keywords
✅ How to find eBay Best Sellers in 5 Steps
✅ Beginner’s Guide to Starting an eBay Business
✅ Beginner’s Guide to Starting an Amazon Business
✅ eBay Dropshipping | Top 8 Secrets | 23 Years Selling On eBay
✅ Here is a free list of 934 popular dropship suppliers all over the world including Australia.
✅ eBay dropshipping secrets.
✅How To Build a 7 Digit Dropship Business – Step By Step
✅ How and where to find overseas staff from $1 per hour Click here
Only kindle available. When is the book available?
Hi, the hardcopy will be available on the 30th.
Only kindle available. When is the book available?
The hardcopy will be available on the 30th.
Hi Neil
I was all set to purchase your new book but it is not available in Australia. Is a hard copy available? and also I have an Australian Kindle account too.
Can you clarify please?
With kind regards
Hi Jacquire, the hardcopy will be available in Australia on the 30th.
Hi Neil,
When will your new book be available on Amazon in the United States?
Hi Joy,
The book is available now.
Hi Joy,
Scarcity Manager can check many thousands of suppliers all over the world.
To protect the privacy of its users, they do not publish a complete list of all the suppliers they check.
Scarcity Manager does show a list of some of the supported suppliers on their home page
SM can check most suppliers as long as the supplier has a dynamic website i.e the supplier website shows if items are in stock.
Note the supplier’s website does not need to show the quantity available, it just needs to show if the item is in stock.
SM works with all the popular dropship suppliers i.e Dropshipzone etc
To confirm if they definitely work with your supplier websites, either email or me with a list of your suppliers to confirm.
Great to see the book finished. I had to pull out of his training last year and it also was exceptional.
With problems out of the way I will get back into it.
Looking forward to getting a copy
This is, apparently, just Kindle. Is there a presale of the physical book?
Hi Vlad, the hardcopy will be available on the 30th.
Hi there. The link drop ship book goes to Amazon kindle. Is it possible to get a hard copy?
Hi James, the hardcopy will be available on the 30th.
How many hours a week does one have to work to go from 0 to 7 digits in 6 months?
Hi Colleen,
As you grow, all tasks, such as product research, are outsourced using low-cost overseas virtual assistants starting at $1 per hour.
The rule is to spend 10% of your profits on virtual assistants.
By following this 10% rule, as your turnover and profits grow each month, so does the amount of time the VAs work. Therefore, each month, the VAs research and list more products for you, and your business grows exponentially.
The owner of the business should only work on growing the business, not work in the business.
Always have in the back of your mind when building the business from day one to have an exit strategy so the business can be sold down the track.
Whether or not you sell the business does not matter.
What does matter, is if you sell the business, the new buyer needs to see that the business runs completely without you, and grows completely without you.
The big bonus of this is that the business runs completely without you.
For over 10 years, every Monday, I go through my diary and see what I can outsource.
We are blessed to live the day and age where we can outsource an hour of work for 1 to 2 dollars an hour essentially this allows us to purchase an hour of life for 1 to 2 dollars.
How can I get the Dropship Formula Course?
Hi Ben,
Please see