How To Sell More On eBay – The White Space Trick!
Learn powerful strategies to sell more on eBay. Discover a white space trick that can significantly boost your sales. I’m doing another series of quick videos showing how to sell more on eBay. This week’s quick video is what I call a white space trick, and it was an accidental discovery, as I’ll show you, but a big needle mover. So let’s launch straight into it quickly. First, let me explain how I discovered this tip. To cut a long story short,over the years we’ve been asked by eBay to beta test various different, new features.
And one of the features we got asked to test on two different occasions was the ability to run paid ads below competitors’ eBay listings. Like for example, take this listing for a caravan light. If I scroll down to just below the bottom of this eBay listing, eBay shows me similar items that might interest me. Well, here’s the point. Overthe years, eBay has allowed me to place paid advertising right here below my competitor’s listings, and these ads have done really well.
This taught me a big lesson,and it got me thinking. The big lesson, of course,was if you’re advertising, then it’s a fantastic place to advertise. However, if you’re not advertising, if you’re just listing something on eBay, you don’t want buyers seeing all these ads for other listings or you know, competitors listings. So how do you stop buyers from seeing all these ads? The answer is actually very simple.
This is the very bottom of this eBay listing description. All you have to do is add one and a half pages of whitespace to the very bottom of your eBay listing description. What happens then is when a buyer goes to your eBay listing, they scroll to the bottom of your listing and they see just white space and they think there’sno more information, therefore no reason to scroll down any further.
So they simply scroll back up as opposed to seeing the competitors’ listings and possibly clicking onone of those listings, and then they can be gone forever. So in a nutshell, the reason for the page and a half of whitespace below your eBay listing is to simply push all those competitors listing down further so your buyers don’t see you compare listings. Of course, there will bethe, you know, some people who will scroll down past your white page and a half white space, but the majority won’t. And we’ve tested this with third-party software.
If you also want to know how to quickly find items that are sold a thousand times on eBay, make sure you watch this video up here, and I’ll put a link below. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section below. And if you found any value on this video, please get a thumbs up andhit the subscribe button as it encourages me tomake more of these videos. Until next week, Lessmore, sell more. This is Neil Waterhouse.
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