“The Hardest Part Of Making Money On eBay Used To Be Finding Which Products to Sell And Where to Source Them. Today We Use Technology to 100% Automate The Process. ”
Upcoming Events
Melbourne, August 13 2016
How To Sell On eBay 1 Day Seminar
Sydney, Tuesday, July 5 2016
eBay Selling Tips – How To Make ebay Listing SEO Compatible
Brisbane – August 18 2016
How To Use Terapeak To Source Products To Sell On eBay
Melbourne, Thursday, June 21, 2016
Every dollar you save on shipping is another dollar in your pocket!
Adelaide, Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Every dollar you save on shipping is another dollar in your pocket!
“Automation and removing any guesswork is what has made the massive increase’s in profitability”
“If ebay sellers are not making at least 100% Profit on the products they sell, they are missing out on a ton of lost profits. Most often they have either not optimised their listings correctly or are using the wrong strategy to find which products to sell. Either way, this can normally be quickly rectified” Neil Waterhouse can guide you how to start an ebay business.
“The biggest mistake I see ebay sellers make is selling low margin products. High margins, greater than 100% and automation are the secrets to working smart, not hard. An ebay business should operate 99% without you”
Neil is an ebay Multi Million Dollar Seller as well as an ebay “invited”, Multi Million Dollar Speaker. He has great tips for selling on ebay in his mind. He is the author of “Million Dollar eBay Business from Home A Step by Step Guide”, which teaches people how to make money on ebay. He is also the founder of Waterhouse Research, the largest ebay arbitrage research company in the world which finds which items make the most “profit” on ebay. Neil can also guide you to learn ebay business ideas
Neil’s passion with ebay is in optimisation Neil and his staff are continually researching and testing new techniques and strategies so Neil’s ebay businesses and his clients can increase their ebay profits by following ebay selling tips. Every Wednesday Neil writes to his clients with results of the previous weeks tests. This is free to everybody who joins the mailing list.
Neil has been a pioneer of internet marketing since the internets beginning with one of his ecommerce websites entering the top 2000 sites on the planet. From this Neil was discovered by the worlds most popular Google Adwords author Perry Marshall and invited to be a member of his exclusive Round Table Renaissance Club.
Neil’s philosophy to building ebay businesses is to keep it simple while always comparing each ebay businesses KPI (Key Performance Indicators) to the top performing ebay business including his own.
Through Neil’s seminars, books and radio interviews, Neil has helped thousands of people not only build ebay businesses from scratch and using no money, but to also optimise them so they provide the owners a richer lifestyle. This is often done by implementing new high volume and following tips for selling on ebay, high profit products to radically increase profit margins as well as using automation techniques.
If you are interested in working from home and want to know how to start an ebay business. Neil teaches how to eliminate any guesswork in an ebay business and instead use simple documented procedures. Neil believes if a 10 year old can’t follow the instructions, they are too complicated. Neil helps people by giving them ebay selling tips and guides them how to make money on ebay
Neil Lives in Sydney Australia with his wife Nicole and 2 daughters Trinity and Sienna. He also has 2 older boys Michael and Harrison. Neil is passionate about helping others to also build million dollar ebay business ideas from home.
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