How To Find Dropship Suppliers BEST Selling Items – In 5 Steps!
How To Find Dropship Suppliers BEST Selling Items – In 5 Steps!
Hi guys. Neil Waterhouse. This week’s quick video shows how to find dropship suppliers’ best-selling items in five steps. This strategy dramatically speeds up dropship product research by only focusing on hot-selling items and not wasting time like so many newbies do, researching items that are not hot sellers. The 80 20 Rule, or Pareto principle states that 80% of your dropship suppliers revenue comes from only 20% of the products that they sell.

So for example, if your dropship supplier has say, a thousand and different product lines, 80% of that dropship suppliers revenue will come from only 200 of their thousand products. Those 200 products are the Dropship suppliers best-selling items. So how can we see which products are dropship sellers best or top-selling items? That is exactly what this video is all about. And also, if you don’t have enough dropship suppliers, stick around to the end of the video and I’ll give you a link to where you can download a free list of over 900 dropship suppliersif anybody new this channel.
My name’s Neil Waterhouse,and I’ve been selling online full-time for over 25 years. I’m the author of Million Dollar e Ebay Business from Home and creator of Dropship Formula. So the big advantage offinding a dropship suppliers best-selling items is that massively speeds up product research as you can focus on suppliers hot selling items, some suppliers show on their websites what their top-selling or best-selling items are,and that makes life easy, however, many dropship suppliers don’t.
However, there are manydropship suppliers, as I’ll show you, that’ll later download a list of their inventory. And that’s all we need to find a dropship supplier for best-selling items. As I’ll show you, you can then simply copy and paste this list into aspreadsheet that I’ll give you, and the spreadsheet will automatically show you the suppliers best-selling items. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a spreadsheet expert to do this. I’ll put a link at the end of the video where you can download thespreadsheet now for free.
So to find your dropship suppliers best-selling items, all you need to do is download your suppliers inventory list on two different dates, say a day or a week apart, depending on how fast your suppliers items sell. So for example, if you download your Supplies inventory list today, and then again, download your Supplies inventory list, say three days or a week later, you then simply compare the two to see, which let me show you,let’s use Dropship Zone as an example with Dropship Zone.
You can download a Sku report, many newbies watching this video. SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit, and a sku is simply just a unique code assigned to each individual product.
For example, here are the SKU numbers for four different dog beds.
Notice they all have different sku numbers as, so four different products. Here’s another example of four different boat covers.
Again, they all have different sku numbers as each product is different. The bottom line is every different product has a different SKU number. So the next step is to download the Sku report.
When you download that sku report, you can see the stock quantity for each of their SKUs. – All we need to do now is download the same sku report a day or a week later, and then compare the stock quantity for each sku.
If you’re good with spreadsheets like you know, so Microsoft excel or Google sheets, you can create a spreadsheet using Lookup to do this. Otherwise, I’ll put a linkat the end of the video where you can download myspreadsheet now for free. This spreadsheet does all the calculations for you automatically, including sorting all the products, so the best sellers appear at the very top.
To make this spreadsheet work,there are just three tabs. Old week tab, latest week tab and summary tab. Step one is to paste the five relevant columns of data from the download that you just did into theold week tab, i.e, sku, url, category, title, stock quantity, and then do the same one week later in the latest week tab. And that’s it.
We should know how to find dropship suppliers best-selling items. The summary tab will automatically show all the top-selling items sorted by best-selling.
If you want to download the spreadsheet, I’ll put a link at the end of the video. If you also want to know howto quickly find a hot niche and quickly find items thatare sold over a thousand times on eBay, make sure you checkout this video up here. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section below. Until next week, staysafe with more, sell more.
✅ How to quickly find a hot niche and quickly find items that have sold over 1000 times
✅ How To Find eBay Best Selling Items
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✅ Link to see INR Ratio
✅ Free list of 934 popular dropship suppliers worldwide, including Australia.
✅ How to increase eBay Sales Fast
✅ Beginners Guide To Starting an eBay Business.
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✅ Dropship Supplier Best Sellers Spreadsheet
✅ Free list of 934 popular dropship suppliers
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✅ My Free- Step By Step – Dropshipping Course – Dropship Formula™
✅ Here is a free list of 934 popular dropship suppliers all over the world including Australia.
✅ eBay dropshipping secrets.
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