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eBay Tips / Strategy

neil waterhouse

Best Keywords for your eBay Title of the major factors in how much traffic an eBay listing gets is the keywords used in the Title of the listing.  The skill is in finding the “best” relevant keywords and not using the “waste of time” irrelevant keywords like “LOOK” or “****” and other characters / keywords which no one searches for.

Finding the best keywords is not hard and I will show you how.

Firstly, eBay allows 80 characters in the title and everyone of these characters should be used if possible.

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neil waterhouse

We make our money on eBay when we buy, not when we sell

Do you remember your parents saying “it’s easier not to make the mess than to clean it up”? make our money on eBay when we buy, The same goes for products we sell on eBay. If we have a product to sell which we have either paid too much for, or hardly anybody wants (low volume), then we are facing an uphill battle to sell it / them. Sure the items can normally be sold by optimizing / tweaking the listing however it is much easier and profitable to make our profits when we buy an item than when we sell it.

Read More »We make our money on eBay when we buy, not when we sell

neil waterhouse

Google SEO 101– Keeping it so simple a 10 year old can do it

Google SEO 101, Is it really that hard to get your website listed high on the search engines?

Google SEO 101

Well… yes and no.  If you are trying to get on the first page of Google for “lose weight” then good luck… However for the average online business then it is very often not too hard at all if you keep to the basics and do just the 10 tasks below.

Like most things, the SEO “experts” will tell you that you need to implement a thousand things to get ranked high and yes everyone may make some difference however we are most interested in the ones which make the biggest difference, not the changes which barely the move the meter. Also called, the law of diminishing returns.

Read More »Google SEO 101– Keeping it so simple a 10 year old can do it

neil waterhouse

Tips on how to get ranked in the top 5% with ebay new best match

 This post is more of a checklist to get your listings in the top 5% of eBay listings.  As you probably know, the difference of traffic between your listing being on page 1 and page 2 is huge.

All of the following are taken into account for eBay’s best match and search algorithm.
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How to leverage eBay to make thousands of dollars more…

Do you want to know how to leverage eBay to make thousands of dollars, this tips for you. If you walk into any internet marketing conference or read any book about internet marketing, the words “there is big money is in your database” are drummed into us, and for good reason.

In the early days I never quite got it, and then one day I came home after attending yet another internet seminar and decided I would bite the bullet and give it a try.
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